weclevershits. <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_reloadPage(init) { //reloads the window if Nav4 resized if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) { document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }} else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload(); } MM_reloadPage(true); //--> </script> <body>

SUP GUYS its chandrew & wangdrew. wangdrew & chandrew. starting year12 in 3days. i guess we will blog more about our year12 worries & how life sucks and how lucky everyone is compared to us. LOL. btw if you're wondering how to nav the page, use the coloured post-it notes on the right side of the notepad.

but yeah have fun wasting time reading :L and don't forget to comment in the cbox :D ---------------------------------------------------------------->