SUP GUYS its chandrew & wangdrew. wangdrew & chandrew. starting year12 in 3days. i guess we will blog more about our year12 worries &
how life sucks and how lucky everyone is compared to us. LOL. btw if you're wondering how to nav the page, use the coloured post-it notes on the
right side of the notepad.
but yeah have fun wasting time reading :L and don't forget to comment in the cbox :D ---------------------------------------------------------------->
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
In the last few days the whole of JR has been transformed into a mass of dodgy posters and yr 11s actually going outside the boundaries of the canteen sales to hand out lollies or other forms of bribes/propaganda. In my opinion i just want this whole prefect thing to be over and for things to go back to normal. I received too many dirties and "wtf" looks today when i wore my large poster around the school. idk abt u but i don't rly like dirties. Prefect campaigning has changed some ppl, while making others more distant from others, i mean i feel like such a douchebag after today, after forcing little juniors and other ppl to accept my pegs. It's also rly awkward when u give a peg to someone u know but don't talk to much and they don't have it on the next time u see them. It kinda makes me sad cuz i spent so much effort making the pegs last night, kinda made me respect those hu made pegs the day before.
However, i defs wouldn't mind getting prefect but i think that it's all too impossible for me, a newbie, to get the 200 votes needed to secure that position. Good luck to everyone else tho.
I'll leave u guys with a look at my 2010 prefect campaign posters :)
At first the general opinion of this poster was that it was "too dodgy" and "didn't make sense" but there is a general favoring of this poster now that ppl've gotten used to it. Also vk rkns this is the best of all my posters and that i should print more copies of it :)
Ppl just say "wtf" to this one haha
Ppl seem to 'like' this one haha :P
If u can't tell the avatar is meant to be according to some random avatar generator i found. Ppl also find this v. random. HAHA, i quite like this one but i feel kinda bad that it's kinda using richard du's idea. sorry man!
- don't forget to vote for chandrew ;)) -
posted by wangster 5:26 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
In the last few days the whole of JR has been transformed into a mass of dodgy posters and yr 11s actually going outside the boundaries of the canteen sales to hand out lollies or other forms of bribes/propaganda. In my opinion i just want this whole prefect thing to be over and for things to go back to normal. I received too many dirties and "wtf" looks today when i wore my large poster around the school. idk abt u but i don't rly like dirties. Prefect campaigning has changed some ppl, while making others more distant from others, i mean i feel like such a douchebag after today, after forcing little juniors and other ppl to accept my pegs. It's also rly awkward when u give a peg to someone u know but don't talk to much and they don't have it on the next time u see them. It kinda makes me sad cuz i spent so much effort making the pegs last night, kinda made me respect those hu made pegs the day before.
However, i defs wouldn't mind getting prefect but i think that it's all too impossible for me, a newbie, to get the 200 votes needed to secure that position. Good luck to everyone else tho.
I'll leave u guys with a look at my 2010 prefect campaign posters :)
At first the general opinion of this poster was that it was "too dodgy" and "didn't make sense" but there is a general favoring of this poster now that ppl've gotten used to it. Also vk rkns this is the best of all my posters and that i should print more copies of it :)
Ppl just say "wtf" to this one haha
Ppl seem to 'like' this one haha :P
If u can't tell the avatar is meant to be according to some random avatar generator i found. Ppl also find this v. random. HAHA, i quite like this one but i feel kinda bad that it's kinda using richard du's idea. sorry man!
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